Al benevolo lettore

I love books and libraries. I love books for the daily food they offer to our spirit, for their comfortable and simple practicality. Like a bee going from flower to flower, I take pleasure in the names scroll authors and titles of books lined up on the shelves of bookstores. But also the means of transmission of culture, like all things human are subject to change and are familiar with new developments. Today, catalogs and online texts increase the possibility of disclosure and the advancement of knowledge. The Internet is a powerful tool that facilitates the access to information and the sharing of our intellectual pursuits. Convinced of this fact, motivated by the desire to still be useful in the world of culture and research even after I left the direction of the Public Library of Bergamo, I created this website. On which I publish in digital format all the essays I published in magazines, anthologies, catalogs, collective works. In addition, I publish in pdf format lectures, notes diaries, reviews , translations, essays, not yet published in print and probably will never be.
I believe in the common effort of research and in the public value of knowledge as a means of individual well-being and freedom. I cultivate learning and memory. Without memory there is no consciousness. And without consciousness we wander uncertain, lost. The consultation of this website is free.

Giulio Orazio Bravi e l’amore per i libri
Intervista curata da Mimma Forlani nel maggio 2011 (testo integrale), pubblicata parzialmente in «L’Eco di Bergamo», 27 maggio 2011.

Il granaio dello spirito.
Intervista curata da Désirée Della Volta e pubblicata in «Qui Bergamo. Mensile della Città», n. 143, giugno 2007.


Giulio Orazio Bravi Via Borgo Nuovo 10
24020 Torre Boldone (Bergamo – Italy)

Ultimo saggio pubblicato

Per una storia delle erbe medicinali. L'erbario figurato di Guarnerino da Padova, Feltre 1441 (novembre 2023).
Storia del disegno in età umanistica - Storia della miniatura - Erboristeria - Botanica farmacologica - Storia dell' Università di Padova - Storia della medicina - History of medicinal herbs - History of the miniature.


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